So, the time has come when we really are saying goodbye to number 7 West Street! Where it all began what feels like many moons ago but actually to take a moment to see how far we have come and all we have achieved together doesn't seem that long at all! A little nugget of space and time that has outgrown and exceeded so many expectations; formed friendships, illuminated talents and ignited a thriving creative community of go-getters. Big love and eternal thank you's to Melody and Jo for having the gusto and 'carpe diem' to make it happen.
As this door closes we hope and anticipate many more are set to open for The Exchange Creative Community. We will still be maintining out main residence in numbers 11&13 West Street next door but one and across the road in the rear rooms of the Trinity Methodist Church.
Call by Monday to Friday 10-5 to have a look at our space or contact landlord Nick for more info: 07974 383 784
Now please spread the word we'd like some nice neighbours please!