In the Summer of 2015 local people came together with a shared vision of using their skills and creativity to improve local wellbeing and access to opportunities in Morecambe with an entrepreneurial focus to support long term sustainability and ensure the Exchange would be here for years to come.
Initial conversations were had with over 80 local people who together said it would be great to have a local art gallery in the town. So that's what we did. Starting out in No 7 West Street we filled the walls with local creations celebrating local talent and very quickly found the place not just filled with art but all sorts of people from different backgrounds keen to make things happen.
Shortly after Mollie Baxter and The Writing Room moved in next door and together we realised that these small Victorian terrace shops were simply not big enough practically for the types of events and activities we wanted to do but also our hopes, dreams and aspirations as a community needed much more space to grow. Come May 2016 we decided to take the plunge and take on an extra 2 units to help us accommodate our activities and events.
We quickly outgrew our expansion. And then one day whilst sat out on the terrace we noticed the huge Trinity Methodist Church stood empty and imagined the infinite possibilities that a forever home could bring for our community.
A lot has happened since then but we are still pursuing our mission of finding a stable and secure venue to incubate and grow creative, community minded projects and initiatives.