Our communities and surroundings have a major impact on our wellbeing. Especially at a time where we are feeling less connected than ever to people and place. We have to pull together in any way we can, to reduce isolation, build opportunity and make good things happen in our community. #morecambematters

So, what do you do if:
You have limited or no outside space to call your own
You/ your family would love to learn how to grow things, maybe even your own food
You want to make a positive difference to your surroundings or;
You just really want something to focus on and nurture in these challenging times?
Well, if you live in Morecambe near the parcel of land at the corner of Cavendish road and Sefton Road, you can join the Micro Garden Community Project!
The aim of the project is to tidy the land and make it a useful and enjoyable space, with space to grow produce, flowers, community connections and skills. What happens going forward will be led by the people themselves. Exciting times, probably many challenges but with a creative approach… watch this space!
The Good Things Collective have a brilliant track record of developing really interesting projects from artist led workshops in the community, creative events including “Make My Day Festival” , magical walk through sensory experiences, “The Last Snowflake” which was part of the winter market in the West End Of Morecambe in 2019 and many more.

The project is being led by The Good Thigs Collective CIC (formally known as The Exchange CIC) in partnership with Food Futures, West End Edibles, Beyond Imagination, Lancaster City Council and Bay Medical.
How can you get involved?
To find out more, to express an interest in having a micro garden or to offer your time/skills in the project, get in touch with Bev: bev@goodthingscollective.co.uk
Written by Bev Liver: Good Things Collective CIC , Project worker
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