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GTCxLICA: Mid Internship Blog by Aous Hamoud

Everything is going Great! I have met nearly everyone in Morecambe just by working in the communal area at GTC studio. West End area is now more familiar to me through all the invitations to activities organised by members of the collective.

Here is a chronological list of things I’ve been working on:

Sound map

I made a sound map by walking on the borders of West End which felt like sketching and looking into details during the walk while constantly recording everything. I’m still editing, but for now check out a walk from Arndale Centre to Aldi.

Image taken during the walk.

Soundcloud Link:

Alleyways Soundwalk

I worked with Jessie and Jules to add some sound research to the development of AGORA Project in the West End area. AGORA seems to be an artistic programme that aims to represents the unseen and forgotten alleyways as a living and active element of West End.

I joined a fieldtrip around some of the alleyways and did some site recordings.

Image taken during the walk. Patterns from random wall in one of the alleyways. Image of one of the alleyways. From the left, Andrew, Jared, Nathan, Jessie, and Jules off frame.

Screenshot from google maps. Red pins are visited alleyways.

Soundcloud Link:




Adjustable Boundaries

Image taken while discovering West End borders

This project is an independent research and mini-investigation. “Adjustable Boundaries” is a research that helps in determining what makes the borders of an area on a map. Which raises a question “Is it possible to adjust and stretch an area according to the human and object point of view? “.

West end borders according to internet and council information.

The research for the boundaries includes the following investigations:

General Research: on the history of maps. Finding out when did maps became a straight line, and how did they change through time.

Scans during research. Books found in Lancaster University Library

Lancashire: a history of the county palatine in early maps (Bagley, 1985)

Scans during research. Books found in Lancaster University Library

Maps & Plans (Smith, 1988)

Picking Sounds: which relies on collecting specific sounds around the urban borders of West End, this would suggest an objectual boundary stretch of the area.

Gathering Data: which would happen by approaching resident and asking them very simply: “Do you think you’re in the west end area or not?”. Which would suggest a human boundary stretch of the area.


Major things about today’s participation with GTC and Micro-Garden:

  • Foraging around West End. Jess had proved to us that we can survive without supermarkets by foraging for our hunger in the wilderness of the urbans.

  • Helped Jo with finishing the fence.

  • Planted some plants and held mud again.

  • Freya drew me ☺

  • Intellectual and full of taste food session.



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