Blog Post:
Are you living in the West End of Morecambe?
We'd like to hear your thoughts and experiences on what that is like.
We are working with West End Morecambe Big Local on a community housing consultation to find out more about your experience - the good, the bad and usually unheard.
We know there are challenges and growing concerns locally and we’re keen to work together to find solutions. If you’re want to have your say, get something done or get involved by volunteering, please get in touch.
All views will be anonymous and confidential.
Contact Jo with any enquiries: | 07733 095 610
In order to keep you safe we will be operating a Covid Safety plan in line with Governement Guidelines. To avoid disappointment please book:
We know that not everyone will be able to make the event so you can fill out the survey instead. We are still really keen to hear you stories and opinions!
To join in on the conversation online, whether that be a rant, a picture or a standout experience (good or bad), use the #MorecambeMatters hashtag or email us.
The Hands On Housing - Community Housing Consultation survey is now online for you to fill out. If you have any problems or need any assistance do not hesitate to contact us. We can arrange for paper copies to be sent out or a member of our team can help you through it.
Contact Jo using the details above.